Explore employment in the arts COURSE
Explore Employment in the Arts is a six-week course that offers information, guidance, and resources to students and adults interested in pursuing a career in the arts.
Topics and activities include:
Presentation on various categories of art jobs and careers
Hands-on experience with foundational art techniques
Information on post-secondary education options
Self-reflection and skill assessment
Informational interview and Q&A with a career artist
Marketing and networking skills
Portfolio development
Exhibiting and selling artwork
This course is funded by MN Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Both pre-ETS and VRS General Services individuals are eligible.
Pre-ETS Services for Exploring Art Employment
We offer individualized exploration in art jobs and careers. Counseling activities and content is driven by the student and may include research, discussion, and resources on areas of interest.
Topics and activities may include:
Hands-on art activities for skill assessment and development
Understanding freelance work versus work as an employee
Introduction to the small business aspects of being an artist
Researching post-secondary education opportunities
Learning about the day-in-the-life of a specific type of artist
Participating in informational interviews with an artist
For those with a developed art practice, MSS provides support with writing artist statements, creating a portfolio, creating websites and online stores, and social media marketing.
Waiver Supports
We accept waiver clients for art employment services, which include employment exploration services (EES), employment development services (EDS – Plan), and employment support services (ESS).
We support artists who would like to start their own small art business. Services begin with exploration to understand the process and commitment of owning a small business. VRS provides support for viable small business start-ups.