Urge legislators to include people with disabilities and mental health issues in COVID-19 Emergency Relief funding

Last week, Governor Walz issued Executive Order 20-12, which allowed for regulatory flexibility in human services programs to best support Minnesotans with disabilities and mental health challenges during the COVID-19 public health crisis.

As legislators plan to return to the Capitol this week and in future weeks to work on COVID emergency funding relief measures, we need them to address the significant financial challenges impacting service providers and nonprofit advocacy organizations that are working to support people with disabilities and those with mental health issues as we all navigate the coronavirus outbreak.

Contact your legislators TODAY with the message below.

Here is a link where you can find out who represents you.

Please freely use this sample letter

Dear [legislator name],

I know that you have worked hard to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19/coronavirus on Minnesotans statewide, and appreciate the measures put in place thus far.

However, the depth of this crisis greatly impacts individuals with disabilities and those with mental health challenges, their family members, and support professionals - who are at even higher risk due to underlying health conditions, low income, and food/housing insecurity.

This also comes at a time when our current network of disability and mental health supports is at the brink of collapse due to the widespread workforce shortage.

That’s why - now more than ever - we need to maintain stability and consistency in service provision, service navigation, and advocacy to help ensure that people with disabilities and those with mental health issues can stay healthy in their homes and communities.

We need you to continue considering the needs of disability and mental health community members as you develop COVID-19 emergency relief legislation. PLEASE include grant funding for disability & mental health service providers, and nonprofit advocacy organizations that help connect community members to critical supports during the coronavirus outbreak.

Your action is more critical now than ever as this crisis deepens with each passing day, and is vital for the health and stability of Minnesotans with disabilities and those with mental health challenges.

Thank you.