MSS Caregiver Named Direct Support Professional of the Year

Lisa Riley ANCOR President Robert Budd direct support professional of the year.jpg

In a testament to the incredible work MSS staff does every day, Lisa Riley was honored this year by the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) as the Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the Year for the state of Minnesota!

“I was thrilled and honored,” Lisa said, when she found out about the award.

Lisa has been with MSS since 2014, starting as a DSP in Eagan before transitioning to a Service Coordinator later that year. Lisa took on the additional role of Assistive Technology Coordinator in January 2016.

Lisa was recognized at a ceremony in Portland, Oregon, during ANCOR’s annual spring conference.

The award recognizes outstanding professionals who provide long-term supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Lisa was chosen from a field of nearly 350 nominees. MSS CEO/President Julie Johnson and MSS Vice President Program Services Michelle Dickerson, were in attendance to see Lisa receive her award.

 “We are all incredibly proud of Lisa,” Julie said. “Lisa demonstrates the power of person-centered supports, and we’re grateful that ANCOR has recognized her with this honor.”

The award comes on the heels of Lisa winning the MSS Employee of the Year award last year.