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Action Alert via ANCOR: Ask the House to vote YES on the COVID-19 economic stimulus package - CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act

Please take 2 minutes today to ask the House to vote YES on the COVID-19 economic stimulus package which the Senate passed yesterday, named the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act. That package contains important provisions to help people with intellectual / developmental disabilities (I/DD) and the providers who support them.  

The Ask: Use the ANCOR email and Twitter tools to tell the House to support the CARES Act because it contains key provisions for I/DD supports.

The Details: On Wednesday, Congressional leadership struck a deal with the White House to support the economy during the COVID-19 outbreak, which passed the Senate later that day. The House is expecting to vote on it through a “voice vote” process at 9am Friday morning. The CARES Act contains many substantial provisions that will benefit people with I/DD. Your intense advocacy over the past few days helped secure these essential provisions:

  • Allowing states to reimburse Direct Support Professionals’ (DSPs) time spent supporting individuals during hospital stays is included in the package in 1915 (c) and 1115 waivers. This has been a major ANCOR policy priority since 2019.

  • Making Medicaid providers eligible for emergency small business loans created by this bill. Medicaid providers had been excluded in previous drafts, but your advocacy made a difference!

  • Renewing the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program through November 30, 2020.

Your advocacy has led to the significant gains listed above – help push these important policies over the finish line by asking the House TODAY to keep them in the final bill version.